Archive of a spirit underwater, tryin' to make some reusable notes..

Peptide Docking and OpenMM Minimization with ADCPv1.1, Interfacing RDKit, and MM/GBSA Calculation in Amber


This post is based on some basic knowledge and familarity with peptide docking using Autodock CrankPep (ADCP), as described in the previous post.

The intent of the post is to introduce to our lab members the new features in ADCP v1.1, including the most useful OpenMM minimization and the incorporation of D-amino acids, followed by some additional steps that might benefit our own work such as parsing and exporting the output to RDKit for post-processing, and finally to AMBER for the MM/GBSA calculation.


This post includes our own examples of docking calculations for standard amino acid (AA) peptides, cyclic peptides and peptides with D-amino acids which have better support in ADCP v1.1. The post-processing in AutoDock Vina, which we used for ADCP v1.0, is compared with the new post-processing protocol in this post using the OpenMM funtionalities that were embedded in ADCP v1.1.

Associated Files

Contains input PDB files, 2xpp_iws1.pdb and 2xpp_FFEIF.pdb, for the peptide docking examples:

├── 2xpp_FFEIF.pdb
└── 2xpp_iws1.pdb

Table of Contents

Example 1-1 Basic Docking: Docking a Standard AA, 5-mer Peptide in ADCP v1.1

Docking Preparation

The preparation steps for the docking calculation can be performed the same way as described in section Structure and Target Preparation in the previous post. Additionally, because the tautomers of histidine residues (HIE/HID) will be discriminated in ADCP v1.1 (at least in the post-processing step that uses molecular mechanics), the NOFLIP or FLIP options may be used to protonate the histidine sidechains in the protein receptor and peptide ligands.

Here beginning from the receptor PDB file, 2xpp_iws1.pdb, and a peptide PDB file in the aligned position, 2xpp_FFEIF.pdb, the following commands were used for docking preparation -

# initialisation of ADCP v1.1
source ~/.bashrc; # mamba initialize
micromamba activate adcpsuite # activate micromamba env

# ligand preparation
reduce 2xpp_FFEIF.pdb > 2xpp_pepH.pdb; # protonate peptide ligand
prepare_ligand -l 2xpp_pepH.pdb -o 2xpp_pepH.pdbqt # generate peptide ligand PDBQT

# receptor prapration
reduce -NOFLIP 2xpp_iws1.pdb > 2xpp_recH.pdb; # protonate receptor
prepare_receptor -r 2xpp_recH.pdb -o 2xpp_recH.pdbqt; # generate receptor PDBQT
agfr -r 2xpp_recH.pdbqt -l 2xpp_pepH.pdbqt -asv 1.1 -o 2xpp -ng # generate receptor TRG, skip gradient calculation

Docking Calculation

And the command for docking calculation was -

adcp -O -T 2xpp.trg -s "FFEIF" -N 400 -n 20000000 -o dock1 -L swiss -w dock1 -ref 2xpp_pepH.pdb -nc 0.8 -c 40 &> dock1.log;

ADCP v1.1 uses slightly different syntax to read TRG file (-T) and there are more options (-L, -w) to support the additional features. In addition, the default clustering method has changed from RMSD to contact-based clustering with a cutoff occupancy of 0.8. A reference structure is optional, but might help to measure the reproducibility or track possible improvements if the docking calculations are run in replicates.

The above calculation (-N 400 -n 20000000) could take around 1 hours 40 minutes to 2 hours on a 40-core Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6148 CPU @ 2.40GHz.

Example 1-2 Basic Minimization: Using OpenMM for a Two-step Minimization

Gas Phase Minimization

A completed docking calculation will generate a folder named dock1, following the specification by the -w option in the docking calculation. dock1 contains the docking output PDB and DLG files:

├── dock1_out.pdb
└── dock1_summary.dlg

For the reported 100 poses (default if not changed by the -m option in the docking calculation), we will first perform a gas phase minimization to eliminate the bad contacts in the complex and reduce the strain energies within the peptide ligand -

adcp -k -T 2xpp.trg -s "FFEIF" -pdmin -o dock1 -L swiss -F none -w dock1 -nmin 100 -nitr 100 -env vacuum &> min1.log;

With -F none, Open MM will use amber99sb.xml as the sole source of MM parameters. See below for the energy outputs I collected with -nitr ranging from 5 to 1000, when trying to optimize ADCP output mode #1:

nitr E_Complex E_Receptor E_Peptide dE_Interaction dE_Complex-Receptor
5 -1067.59 -1040.95 155.91 -182.55 -26.64
50 -3153.57 -2877.75 -45.18 -230.65 -275.82
100 -3249.58 -2955.32 -61.74 -232.53 -294.26
500 -3308.43 -2986.80 -74.44 -247.20 -321.64
1000 -3312.91 -2990.13 -74.07 -248.71 -322.78
5000 -3307.96 -2985.22 -74.40 -248.34 -322.74

The above minimization calculation (-nmin 100 -nitr 100 -env vaccum) will take about 1 hour on a 40-core Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6148 CPU @ 2.40GH. The completed minimization calculation will generate dock1_omm_rescored_out.pdb under the work folder dock1. With the -k option, subfolder dock1_omm_amber_parm will be kept under dock1.

2nd Minimization Preparation

To start another minimization, I will do the following 3 things:

(1) Relocate output files under dock1 to dock1_min1

cp -r dock1 dock1_min1

(2) Write a new PDB file of the minimized peptide coordinates and docking info to replace dock1_out.pdb in the next minimization

# 1. Read Docking Poses
dock_dict = {}

with open('dock1_min1/dock1_out.pdb','r') as f:
    line = f.readline()
    while line:
        header = line[:6]
        if header=='MODEL ':
            modnum = line.split()[-1]
            dock_dict[modnum] = []
            if header not in ['ATOM  ','ENDMDL']:
        line = f.readline()

# 2. Read Minimized Poses
omm_dict = {}
is_pep = False

with open('dock1_min1/dock1_omm_rescored_out.pdb','r') as f:
    line = f.readline()
    while line:
        header = line[:6]
        if header=='MODEL ':
            is_pep = False
            modnum = line.split()[-1]
            omm_dict[modnum] = []
        if header=='TER   ':
            is_pep = True
        if header=='ATOM  ' and is_pep:
            # for each model
            # record all ATOM lines appear after TER
        line = f.readline()

# 3. Read Rank Mapping
rank_list = []
rank_dict = {}

with open('min1.log','r') as f:
    line = f.readline()
    while line:
        if line[:12]=='OMM Ranking:':
        line = f.readline()

for rank in rank_list[6:-1]:
    rank_dict[rank.split()[4]] = rank.split()[3]
    # mapping ADCP Rank (key) with OMM Rank (value)

# 4. Write New PDB

with open('dock1/dock1_min.pdb','w') as fw:
    for mode in dock_dict.keys():
        fw.write('MODEL '+mode+'\n')
        for line in dock_dict[mode]:
        for line in omm_dict[rank_dict[mode]]:

(3) Clean Up work folder dock1

rm -r dock1/dock1_omm*;
mv dock1/dock1_min.pdb dock1/dock1_out.pdb;

Now the work forder dock1 contains only:

├── dock1_out.pdb
└── dock1_summary.dlg

While dock1_out.pdb contains the coordinates from the previous minimization and information from the docking calculation.

Minimization with Implicit Solvent

The command I used to perform the 2nd minimization with implicit solvent is -

adcp -k -T 2xpp.trg -s "FFEIF" -pdmin -o dock1 -L swiss -w dock1 -nmin 100 -nitr 1000 -env implicit &> min2.log;

In which I set -nitr to be 1000. See below for the energy outputs I collected with -nitr ranging from 5 to 5000:

nitr E_Complex E_Receptor E_Peptide dE_Interaction dE_Complex-Receptor
5 (Default) -3084.70 -2994.62 -96.17 6.09 -90.08
50 -4771.29 -4570.70 -182.15 -18.44 -200.59
100 -4844.07 -4631.38 -187.98 -24.71 -212.69
200 -4872.04 -4651.11 -189.32 -31.60 -220.93
500 -4895.56 -4668.38 -193.22 -33.96 -227.18
1000 -4900.30 -4673.12 -193.34 -33.84 -227.18
2000 -4896.49 -4669.85 -193.37 -33.27 -226.64
5000 -4883.27 -4657.35 -191.20 -34.72 -225.92

You will see that the energies, most importantly dE_Interaction, became generally invariant after -nitr reached 1000. But again we should keep in mind that the required number of minimization steps always depends on how good the initial structure is…

The above minimization calculation (-nmin 100 -nitr 1000 -env implicit) will take ??? on a 40-core Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6148 CPU @ 2.40GH.

Example 3 Advanced Docking: Docking a Cyclice Peptide Containing a Disulfide Bond and Pose Selection

adcp -O -T 2xpp.trg -s "FCEIFC" -cys -N 400 -n 20000000 -o dock1 -L swiss -w dock1 -nc 0.8 -c 40 &> dock1.log;

Example 4 Advanced Docking: Docking a Peptide Containing D-Amino Acids and Backbone Dihedral Validation

adcp -O -T 2xpp.trg -s "&FFEIF" -N 400 -n 20000000 -o dock1 -L swiss -w dock1 -nc 0.8 -c 40 &> dock1.log;